Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mission Statement

It's a brand new day in a brand new year, and there's one question on my mind. "Why start a webcomic blog?"

Alright, I lied. That question isn't on my mind at all, but it's one of those things that needs to be written in this blog, despite the fact that very few people will probably read this blog, much less this first post. So, what does this blog offer that the dozens of other webcomic review blogs in existance right now don't have?


That was a lie too, in a certain manner. This blog is intended to offer my own opinion, which is no more valuable than that of any of the other reviewers out there. It is different, though, in the sense that no two people have the same thoughts on everything.

Getting along to a slightly more focused tone, this post is going to tell you (the readers) what you can expect from this blog. If you've figured out by the title of the blog and the past few sentences that I intend to put up reviews of webcomics, congratulations. More specifically, I intend to review new webcomics. Not things that have been running strong for the past decade, because those have been reviewed time and time again, and there's really no point in placing another review for the giants of the medium.

In this blog, reviews are intended to accomplish two objectives. First, they bring attention to something and tell people unfamiliar with the "product" what they could expect. A sort of recommendation, if you will. Even if I personally don't enjoy reading a comic, a review should at least contain enough information that the reader should be able to make a preliminary decision on their own. Secondly, a review inevitably contains critisism that the authors/artists of the comic can put to good use in improving themselves and their comics (or mock and ignore, continuing in their own manner. After all, it's their project).

The big webcomics don't need either of these things. While webcomics have only a few titles that can be recognized by anybody who is generally familiar with the medium, the big titles really don't need to have a backwater blogger handing out recommendations, when in reality nine out of the ten people reading this blog have probably already heard of it. Similarily, I highly doubt that one more person saying that Megatokyo needs to go back to how it was under Caston will make any change. It's nothing against the writers, but anybody who has run a successful webcomic for a few years has probably figured out what works, and any percieved 'flaws' are probably in the process of being fixed, or are kept that way for a reason. Starting webcomicers, however, would benefit most from a boost in traffic (however small) and an honest outside opinion.


Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we will commence next week with our regularly scheduled programming. If you've got a webcomic that you'd like reviewed, send it in, regardless of whether you're the writer, friend of the writer, or just a fan. Don't worry about whether or not the comic is 'new' or not, because I'll arbitrarily assign that distinction when I read through it. At the same time, if there isn't enough in the comic to create a full review, I may simply read it now and wait until there's enough to give a solid opinion on.

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